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史上最好玩儿校友聚会 硅谷清华联网2015年度倾情奉献

2015年度,共有97名师弟师妹从清华毕业,加入到我们湾区校友当中。其中45人将进入Stanford,31人进入Berkeley, 21人进入Google、Facebook等公司工作。除了来自清华的毕业生,不少从美国其他州毕业的校友也陆续来到湾区,让我们在9/27的年度聚会中欢迎他们的到来!

在湾区活跃着很多清华社团, 如果你有兴趣加入他们或组建新队,不要错过9/27的招新机会!

社团招新/组队: 爱生活,爱运动,共同的兴趣连接你我


时间: 9月27(周日)10AM ~ 4PM 地点: Fremont Central Park, Picnic area: Lions1, Lions 2 40000 Paseo Padre Pkwy, Fremont, CA 94538 (公园很大,具体位置见下方地图) 注册链接 ~ 9/20前享受early bird 注册优惠






各色小礼物: 确实有抽不到的可能


留下集体的回忆: 一个都不能少

Fremont Central Park Map 红色标注:聚会地点 黄色标注:Parking Locations

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By participating in any events organized by Silicon Valley Tsinghua Network (SVTN), you agree to the following: SVTN events are provided with no special warranty either express or implied. the organizers of SVTN assume no liability for any loss, theft, damage or injury to property or persons. Participation in SVTN events is considered "at your own risk". All participants must use due care under the circumstances to comply with all rules, regulations, statutes and laws of the State of California. You agree that you shall not bring any legal action against any of the organizers of SVTN events for any claim waved and released under this agreement.

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