Small Business Taxes Seminar
又值报税季,硅谷清华联网邀请到清华校友Amy Yue (CPA) 为我们讲解小公司面临的常见税务类型和节税技巧,并回答大家的具体问题。
US is well known for its highest tax rate and most complex tax law in the world. This seminar will focus on tax saving tips and overall tax system for startup companies and small business owners. Getting the accounting and tax right at the beginning will save you a lot of pain and avoid costly pitfalls in the long run. We will cover the legal proof ways to reduce taxes for small business. Small business owners will benefit by understanding the US tax system as well as knowing practical practices for tax saving.
美国税法是世界上最繁复的税法之一。这次讲座会介绍美国税收体系的基本概况, 和针对小企业的节税技巧. 我们帮助小企业绕过常见的陷阱,更健康持续的发展。 我们会协助小企业合规运营,并同时合理合法省税。
1. Most Common Taxes in US (常见公司税务类型)
Federal and State Income Tax (公司所得税)
Payroll Tax (薪金税)
Sales Tax (销售税)
Property Tax (资产税)
Business license/Tax (营业执照)
2. Tax Saving Tips (节税技巧)
R&D Credit (研发费税收抵免)
Section 179 (资产购置税收扣除)
Startup/Organizational Cost (开办费税收扣除)
California Competes Credit (加州税收抵免)
About Speaker:
Amy Yue, the president of CPA Insight Inc., has over 16 years of professional public accounting and industry experience. Before she started her own practice, she worked as Controller for startup companies as well as consultant for Fortune 500 companies. Earlier in her career, Amy worked on tax and audit at a regional CPA firm. Her previous positions also include financial reporting at Paypal, international accounting and consolidation at Disney media group, and management accounting at Bayer Pharmaceutics.
Amy specializes in corporate taxation, full cycle accounting, financial reporting and analysis, and accounting procedures/internal control for small business. Her clients include a wide range of US startups or US affiliates of multinational Corporates. She advises clients on a variety of tax matters including US tax compliance, 83b election, tax treatment of stock options, R&D credit, transfer pricing, FBAR, etc. Amy has been building professional network with other reputable CPAs and tax lawyers to ensure clients’ cases receive specialists’ attention when needed.
Amy received her bachelor’s degree in Finance and accounting from Tsinghua University and her master’s degree in Economics from University of Colorado at Boulder.